Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Once Upon A WolfPack is available for Pre-Order!

The long awaited WolfPackAuthors anthology, Once Upon A WolfPack, is now available for pre-order for Amazon and Kobo readers!

If you pre-order the anthology, it will be automatically delivered to your reading device upon the official release date:  May 18, 2019.

Once Upon A WolfPack - For Kobo

Once Upon A WolfPack - For Amazon

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Coming Soon the WolfPack Authors Anthology!

We are all very excited about our first joint project:  the #WolfPackAuthors Anthology.  It's called Once upon a WolfPack and it contains short stories from many members of our writing pack.   The anthology spans many genres, but is unified by a central theme:  the Wolf.  Every story uses the wolf as a thematic touchstone.  It will be fun to read how the every author weaves the theme into their work. 

While the anthology will be entertaining to read, it will also support the rescue of wolves by the Lockwood Animal Rescue Center.  The Lockwood Animal Rescue Center is an innovative program that also offers programs to benefit combat veterans returning from war.  Veterans can take a therapeutic opportunity out in the country where they can work to care for and rehabilitate wolves, wolf dog hybrids, and coyotes.  Any profits from Once Upon a WolfPack will go to the Lockwood Animal Research Center.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Who are the #WolfPackAuthors?

The world of writing and independent and small press publishing is tough. You have to write, edit, publish, and publicize your work. As an author you are competing with television, video games, smartphone apps, and social media for the attention of people who take the time to read for pleasure and savor a good book. Many authors work together on the Twitter social media platform to help get the word out about new books. Ultimately, a small number of us banded together to form a writing group.

The idea was simple: form a group of authors based on the mantra, “Do good things for the right reasons.” We are a pack – #WolfPackAuthors. Together, we expand exposure for our books, help one another with all aspects of the process, pick each other up when the lonely life of writing gets us down. Each of us brought unique talents to the group: organizational talents, publishing acumen, editing skills, graphic design capabilities, blogging experience, and more. Together, we have a fantastic array of great books and short stories that are available on many platforms. Many have received excellent reviews from readers around the world. We just need one thing: readers.

We have fiction for everyone. From beautiful beginnings in wonderful children's books to detective stories to randy romances, we've got your read. As writers we can take you from apocalyptic ashes to worlds beyond the stars. If you are looking for interesting and exciting books to read, we've got something for you.

Check out our Twitter links below or search us out on Twitter using the hashtag: #WolfPackAuthors.
